Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: New years eve


Today I post final entry of winter nail art challenge - "New years eve". I would like to thank organizer of this challenge Helena from lacky corner and all participants. It was fun and wonderful experience for me, I really enjoyed wonderful nail arts with holiday themes. And of course I'm flattered to have followers and readers on my blog. I wish all of you an amazing 2015 with many many beautiful things in it, including new nail polishes ;)  Thank you so much for your comments,  I always enjoy reading your feedback. Happy new year everyone !!!

Figure 1. All five nails stamped with New York fireworks.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: Santa/Elf/Reindeer


Today' s theme was Santa/Elf/Reindeer and I chose to make free had reindeer after I saw super cute decals on Etsy (link at the end of my post). Usually I create nail art one day ahead, but yesterday I was too busy making turkey. I was a bit worried, that there will be not enough time to create this look, however it turned out to be really easy to make. Little Christmas tree on my pinky I made without any practice, which is not my usual approach :) I hope you like my reindeer nicely decorated for Christmas.

Figure 1. All five nails with Christmas reindeer at LED light.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: Tinsel/Ornaments


Christmas is nearing end only three entries left. Today, I made christmas ornament using pastel colors peach and lilac. I really like how delicate this mani looks. I'm not super good with stamping placement, so I created decals and it really helped to center ornaments. Also, by making decals I was able to add background lilac color.


Figure 1. All five nails with christmassy ornament.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: Christmas carol/song/movie


I did not have time yesterday to write a post, but I made nails and my inspiration was awesome movie The Nightmare before Christmas. It's definitely one of my favorite Tim Burton's creations because it combines Halloween and Christmas and this is really hard to beat. 


Figure 1. "The Nightmare before Christmas".

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: Christmas tree nail art using Wazowski Dance legend


Today's theme "Christmas tree" was ideal to try my recently arrived confetti from bundle monster. I decided to combine them with gorgeous duochrome Wazowski and some striping tape.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: Lucia/Christmas where you leave


Today the theme was "Lucia/Christmas where you leave" and i decided to do something which reminds me of my childhood in Russia. During winter the city where I lived is pretty grey, because it does not snow much, but we have these gorgeous red birds. They are called bullfinch and they love to eat rowan berries, which become sweet after freezing (you can see pictures of them at the end of the post). So they were my inspiration for this nail art. Seeing these birds gives me very christmassy mood.


Figure 1.  "Bullfinch and Rowan".

Winter nail art challenge: Christmas candies


Today the challenge was to make nail art related to Christmas candies and I knew right away that my inspiration will be candy cane. I decided to make something more complex than just stripes, and water marble technique seemed to be ideal for candy nails. Water marbling can give gorgeous results, but you need to be patient. Looks like this time I nailed it :)


Figure 1. Candy cane nails holding candy cane.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: Snow/snowflakes


Today's challenge is nail art with snow оr snowflakes. Just recently I made snowflake mani, so this time i decided to create something different. I call it "Snow in Paris" and hope that it gives you feeling of calm snowy evening full of romance.

Figure 1. All five nails stamped with "Snow in Paris".

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Winter nail art challenge: Christmas lights/candles


Yesterday I joined Winter nail art challenge with multiple interesting themes for the month of December. There are two challenges per week, which is perfect for me, as everyday challenges are too intense and impossible to combine with newborn baby :)

First topic is Christmas lights/candles. Since I joined spontaneously and still had unstamped August 2014 nails on my right (what i did on my left hand you can see here), I used it as background for Christmas lights stamping. And it looks really good in combination with white & gold colors.
