Good day darlings. It's time to reveal which of mine designs you loved the most. And without any doubt the most popular and most loved was miniature water marble design "Exotic flowers" from my birthday. I myself think that it definitely was very special and deserves to be on top. Since August many of you were asking if I can post a tutorial for this nail art and sure enough I promised to make it asap. LOL, little did I know about life... so many things happened after my birthday, including my unexpected 2.5 month vacation in Russia, that I could not find time to make it. But I always remembered about it and finally the tutorial is ready. The most important part is to use small dish for water marble and wait for it to dry completely before taking it out. This can take several hours as in a small dish polish does not spread a lot and water marble becomes quite thick. There is an advantage of slow drying, you can take more time to draw your design and colors stay really vivid. Hopefully you will like it and find it helpful. And at the end I also included collage with five of my most popular nail designs of Instagram.
Figure 1. Best nail design of 2015: Miniature water marble "Exotic flowers".
Figure 2. Miniature water marble video tutorial.
Materials and Methods
Nail Polish:
- Picture polish - Lakodom (2 coats background and water marble decals)
- Picture polish - Coral reef and Chillax (water marble decals)
Other materials:
- Acrylic paint - black
Links to the blog posts with most loved designs.