Thursday, February 5, 2015

ABC challenge: Boo by Dance legend + Neon yellow (MdU) "Golden autumn"


Second day of ABC challenge letter "B". In my collection there was only one untried polish starting from that letter, gorgeous duochrome Boo from Dance legend. I bought this polish in May while traveling in Russia and it's a shame I did not try it before. I'm really glad I had to wear Boo, because now there is a little sun on each of my nails. This splash of color* reminds me of beautiful autumn trees and brings me back to that wonderful time of the year. Perfect to escape for a moment long and cold Canadian winter.

Figure 1. Nail art "Golden autumn".

Figure 2. More images at different angles.

Figure 3. Macro image of stamping.

Materials and Methods

Nail Polish:
  • Dance Legend - Boo (2 coats)
  • Mundo de Unas - Neon yellow (stamping)
Stamping Plates:
  • Messy mansion - MM 19
  • MoYou London - Nature 07
*My another hobby apart from nail art is photography and I finally decided to use my DSLR camera. Final images look very impressive, I'm very satisfied with bright colors and overall quality of the pictures. What do you think, does it look better?



  1. I love the autumn feel of this mani. I'm trying to start a nail blog, but I don't know anything about cameras. I was wondering if you can recommend one that is economical and can also record videos?

    1. That's a great question, thank you and I'm sorry for delayed answer. Life with newborn baby can be so unpredictable. There is no straightforward answer for your question, as photography has several important components in it apart from quality of the camera. You do not need very expensive camera to take good pictures for your nail blog (many people very successfully use their smartphone cameras). What you definitely need is a good light, so I recommend you to get a light box, you can either buy it or make it yourself (I made mine, it's really easy, just google it). Another option it to take picture during the day in front of window, but you should avoid direct sun in this case, and play with your position. As for the particular camera look for one which can take good macro images, I have Olympus TG-2 (cost me around 300$ a year ago). I bought this particular model for underwater photography and it works great for everything including video. You probably do not need waterproof camera, so it should be less expensive. Another good option which I like is LED light. The core propertie of any camera is it's sencor, you want it to big as big as your budget allows. Just to give you some numbers, iPhone camera is 8MP and my Olympus TG-2 is 12 MP, so look for camera in this range 8-12 MP and maybe with better macro options. I hope this answer will be helpful. Let me know if you have more questions.
