Good day darlings, I'm catching up with last prompts of #OMD3 challenge and here is #mynailsandmybag nail art. It was inspired by my bag which I currently use the most - cute diaper bag with colorful floral pattern. I was thinking to do some floral stamping, until I saw gorgeous spiral dry marble design done by talented Russian blogger Zlata. I loved it so much, that immediately wanted to make something similar and it looked perfect to match my bag. After some practice this new for me technique gave pretty nice results. On my short nails I was not able to use more than three different colors, but I still like final version, even though some colors are missing. Central flowers were added using dotting tool after i finished marble on all 5 nails, otherwise, they were spreading too much. This type of marble is beautiful and very unique, is not it?
Figure 2. More images with bottle.
Figure 4.My nails and my bag.
Materials and Methods
Nail Polish:
- Emily de Molly - Chicken of the cave (wet base coat for dry marble)
- China glaze - My way or the highway (Dry marble)
- Maybelline - Lustrous lime (Dry marble)